
7 Sure-Fire Ways to Calm Your Doberman’s Anxiety

Dobermans are often prone to anxiety, which can manifest in various forms such as separation anxiety, sound anxiety, or travel anxiety. If left untreated, this can make life miserable for both you and your dog. However, there are several ways to tackle your dog's anxiety. In this article, we will discuss seven sure-fire ways to calm your Doberman's anxiety.


Experiment with Hemp Oil for Your Doberman’s Anxiety

Hemp is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety in dogs. It helps to calm them down and can also make them more receptive to other training methods. When selecting hemp oil, always look for a certificate of analysis showing a pure and safe product with 0% THC. If you prefer not to give your dog an oil tincture, there are also hemp treat options available.


Desensitize Your Doberman to The Cause of Their Anxiety

Desensitization is a key strategy for treating your doberman's anxiety. Begin by repeating the trigger activity, but then immediately reversing it. For example, if your dog's anxiety is triggered by you leaving the house, you can grab your keys and walk out the door, then come back 5 seconds later. Repeat this hundreds of times over a period of a week until your dog is desensitized to the behavior.


For Sound Anxiety, Trying Isolating Your Doberman and Playing Loud Music

If your doberman experiences anxiety due to loud noises like thunder or fireworks, isolate them in a smaller, more enclosed room of the house and play loud music. This can help to calm them down, but be cautious, as leaving them alone in a room may exacerbate separation anxiety.


Try Using a Compression Wrap

A compression wrap can help to comfort many dogs with anxiety. The Thundershirt is one popular product that applies gentle, calming pressure that is reassuring to many pups. It can be used to help calm your doberman during fireworks, thunder, separation, travel, or vet visits, with no training or medication required.


Try an Herbal Supplement for Your Doberman with Calming Herbs

Calming supplements for dogs can be palatable, easy-to-feed, and quickly relieve your doberman's stress while giving them a sense of safety and calm. Some supplements contain calming herbs like chamomile, passionflower, ginger root, and valerian root. Other products contain all of these herbs in one soft chew.


Experiment with a Pheromone Diffuser for Your Doberman

Canine pheromone diffusers can mimic the calming pheromone that a mother dog emits while nursing her puppies. This diffuser can help many dogs feel calmer and more comfortable in stressful situations. ThunderEase diffuser is one popular product available on Amazon.


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Use Your Own Scent and Sound to Calm Your Doberman

Using your own scent and sound to help calm your dog is a powerful strategy. Try recording your voice on a CD player and playing it on loop when you're not home. You can also leave a used t-shirt with your scent on it by the door for your dog to smell. These tactics can help to make your dog feel more comfortable and secure when you're not around.




Anxiety can be a challenging issue for any dog owner, but there are many effective strategies for helping your doberman. Experiment with different options to find what works best for your dog, and don't be afraid to seek professional help if needed. With patience and persistence, you can help your doberman overcome their anxiety and live a happier, more peaceful life.